Yeah… I Got Some Stocks For You, Hot Shot

Hey hey hey, you want to play the market, Hot Shot? Now listen up and get in real close so I can tell you these hot stock tips. Ready? Write these down.

Invest heavily in the following:

  1. Mice
    What do computers and the buebonic plague have in common? Two words MICE! If these girl rats love anything more than nibbling cheese and getting killed its gotta be making you money. Trust me when I say mice are the future! Don’t just invest in mice, actively divest and disassociate from any creature that is not a mice. Divorce your human wife and tie the knot with your latest stock option, mice!

  2. Spanish
    Hola amigo! Thats Spanish for dinero, muchacho! You might be under the false impression that Spanish is only spoken in Guatemala, so let me set something straight for you, hombre; there’s much more to Spanish these days. Have you even fucking seen this guy? ñ?! Are you kidding me?! NEW LETTERS! If this trend continues, you are going to find yourself in the black! Or should I say in el negro?

  3. Crunchiness
    I’m going to give this one to you straight; crunchiness is on the rise! Look around you, all you see every day is crunchiness. You know potato chips don’t ya? Well guess what’s keeping the chip futures market afloat. Crunchiness my good friend! Get in on the ground floor with this one and whenever you hear the gentle breaking of a child’s bones, it’ll sound like ka-ching!

  4. Any and all cardboard cutouts of Hall of Fame Bowler Les Zikes
    Need I say more?

  5. Vacuum cleaners that DO NOT suck and only blow
    Just short this one, please. Short it! Don’t ask me how I know the CEO, Leonard Chodescrote or whether he was one of my groomsmen at my wedding or not. And even if I didn’t know him I wouldn’t know how much money I invested and instantly lost in his company. Basically what I’m saying is that I know too much to be able short the stock even though I know the company is collapsing right in front of my very eyes! So if you could take out a monsterous short position on vacuum cleaners that don’t suck anything up but continuously blow out warm stale air that smells burning tires, maybe give me like a 30% cut so I can recoup my losses?

The List Of All The Animals by Sir David Attenborough

Sir David Attenborough posing with The False Newt

There are dozens of animals out there and science has never been able to formulate a complete list, untill now. I spent my entire life traveling the globe in order to compile the difinitive amount of animals there are.

Without further ado, I, David Attenborough, present The List of All The Animals.

  1. Aardvark
  2. Antelope
  3. Arctic Fox
  4. Bears
  5. Bull (male)
  6. Cow (female)
  7. Duck
  8. Duck
  9. Duck
  10. Duck
  11. Goose
  12. Cumbersome Apes
  13. Bugs
  14. Fish (clown)
  15. Fish (misc.)
  16. Pork
  17. Leatherback Turtle
  18. Crocodile (male)
  19. Aligator (female)
  20. Simba
  21. Bulgarian Water Mouse
  22. The False Newt
  23. Normal Dog
  24. Agile Apes
  25. Gonzo (muppet)
  26. Graham Harbour
  27. Crab (upsidedown)
  28. Crab (rightsideup)
  29. The Small Moose™
  30. Spitting Cobra
  31. Swallowing Cobra
  32. King Cobra
  33. Indian Cobra
  34. Forrest Cobra
  35. Hooded Cobra
  36. Egyptian Cobra
  37. Monocled Cobra
  38. Chinese Cobra
  39. Indochinese Cobra
  40. Mozambique Cobra
  41. Phillipine Cobra
  42. Javan Cobra
  43. Central Asian Cobra
  44. Snouted Cobra
  45. Egg

Well that covers them all.

Over 40 kinds of animals! It really boggles the mind, doesn’t it? And just goes to show how beautiful and sacred life on this planet really is.
Sir David “Jungle Oaf” Attenborough signing off.

8 Famous Jews?


Whether they are actually chosen or not, we love these celebs. It would be neat if someone could clarify for us though just in case we find ourselves in hot water about this one.

1. “Weird Al” Yankovic.

This musical comedian has us splitting our sides with laughter anytime we hear any of his masterful song parodies. We don’t think he is jewish but you can’t deny that there is something kind of  Hebrew about Alfred Matthew Yankovic. If we are wrong and have offended anyone, gentile or otherwise, we apologise.

2.Gal Gadot

Sure, she served in the IDF (Israeli Defence Force) but we don’t know what that actually means, they wouldn’t exactly be turning people away would they? The gorgeous Wonder Woman actress is a star even if her military service doesn’t necessarily mean she is a member of the House of David.

3. Jason Alexander

Now this one really stumped us. New York, check. Funny, check. Bald, check. But Jewish? Jury is still out. He is friends with Jeremy Signfield but did they meet in Schule or somewhere else?

4. Rock Lobster

Whenever this B-52s hit plays in the club, we are the first to hit the dance floor to groove along to this infectious beat but I’m pretty sure the Torah forbids the consumption of shellfish. To ad to our confusion I overheard Fred Schneider on the bus one time say that he had to cut a verse about the Rock Lobster forgetting his knife and clamp at a brit milah he was attending, so who knows? We would certainly like to.

5. Damon Wayans Sr.

Wow, what hasn’t Damon Wayans Sr. done? He’s a comedian, writer, director, producer and actor. I’ll tell you what he hasn’t done, converted to Judaism. Or maybe he has, we don’t know. He is refusing to return our phone calls even though we promised that we weren’t going to do anything nefarious with the information. Call us back Damon.

6. Damon Wayans Jr.

Like father, like son except for how jewish lineage is passed down according to the Talmud. If only we knew who his mother is, then we might finally have an answer to this curious conundrum.

7. Marlon Wayans

The plot keeps thickening. We would like to reiterate again, this is an attempt on our part to help clear up any confusion that might be out there about who may or may not be jewish. This isn’t a ranking system or an attempt to get an Jews vs Gentile squash tournament off the ground. We really just think it would be nice to know.

8. Keenan Wayans

We were really hoping to have heard back from the Wayans’ family by now, yet here we are. We should reiterate again; being jewish = Cool, not jewish = cool, having any information about a person that might help you avoid embarrassment at a party when you offer to let them light a fire on what later turns out is Shabbat, the jewish sabbath = cool too.

Christmas Traditions That Will Bring Out Your Inner Child


Ahh, Christmas. The most wonderful time of the year to eat a small man made out of a spicy biscuit. Family, friends, festivities. What doesn’t Christmas have going for it? I’ll tell you what Christmas traditions you are missing out on. Release your inner child with these helpful tips.

1. Break into your neighbours house and put little dunce caps on the Joseph in their Nativity.
I mean come on, she just had a kid and you believe she is still a virgin? Sounds like your neighbours don’t know how to fuck if they forgot the dunce caps on their Josephs.

2. Misinterpret the movie Fight Club.
David Fincher’s 1999 film Fight Club is a dark critique of the patriarchal society that has been cultivated under capitalism but what if you think punching priests makes you really strong and cool? Then snuggle up with your parents around the TV and talk about how cool it would be if you started a fight club in your shed.
SPOILER ALERT! Be sure to take a polaroid of the penis at the end of the movie because that is one nasty snake.

3. Put a note on your chimney that says “Santa, we have some gentle softcore pornography playing on our TV if you want to sneak a peek.”
This is to make Santa stop at your house first and give you all the Amazon Alexas you can handle. Are you Wall Street? Because you just gamed the system.

4. Bow to your dad and call him Señor Nog. 
Dads love feeling big and powerful and nothing says power like being the master of the Christmas milk called egg nog. It’s something about how eggs are baby chickens and being able to command an army of birds makes their eyes just light up with Yuletide cheer.

5. Make a big deal about not singing the chorus to “Angels We Have Heard On High.”
Only chumps learn a dead language. In this country we speak English goddammit. We are already losing this war on Christmas to the coastal elite snowflakes and I’m sure as hell not laying down my arms for anyone.

6. Set a place at the dinner table for the Christmas tree. 
Being a tree is a thankless job, show your appreciation by saving an extra helping of trifle for the large fir tree that stands in your living room for a month. If you can manage it, seat the tree next to Aunty Maureen, she’s single and ready to love again.

7. Open all of your presents in front of Bradley Cooper.
He thinks he’s a big shot since he fluked his way into a best director nomination, this way he will stay in his fucking lane when he realises how fast you are at opening presents. Still feeling special, Brad?


6 Regional Pizza Toppings That Will Make You Say “Mama Mia!”

  1. Pepperoni- New York
    Ah, who doesn’t love a New York slice? The Big Apple doesn’t hold back when it comes to a slice of the sauce pancake. This spicy sausage is made from some kind of animal tail, probably a lizard, and is at home on the hot flat bread called pizza. Hop on the F-Train and sing “Mama Mia” all the way home.
  2. Pineapple- Hawaii
    Aloha, or should I say “Mama Mia?” Whenever you are next visiting the island paradise called Hawaii make sure you sample the local delicacy of pineapple pizza. You might recognise the pineapple as the fruit that is a house for an popular television idiot sponge but let me assure you this is no dream. Pineapple and pizza? More like Mama and Mia
  3. Fois Gras- France
    Next time you are in France, why not treat yourself to a delicious pie topped in the smooth and creamy texture of a liver from the world’s saddest goose? Sure it sounds gross and inhumane but pizza is from Italy and I once saw a movie where the Italians were up to some pretty heinous shit so don’t tell me that every pizza isn’t somehow tainted with the sins of the father. Get off your high horse and share this goose pizza with me. Mama Mia!
  4. Raw Tuna- Japan
    The Land of the Rising Sun is known for killing fish so that you can eat it but they also love a little pie we like to call pizza. Put the two together and you have a real mess. I can honestly say the country that brought us fuckable pillows dropped the ball on this one. Let me assure you that when I say “Mama Mia” it is out of sheer disappointment.
  5. Sauerkraut- Germany
    These guys may not have the best history on the planet either but Mama Mia have they redeemed themselves with the invention of putting pickled cabbage on the circle meal of pizza. I think I speak for all of humanity when I say all if forgiven and pass me another slice, Mama Mia!
  6. Matzah balls- Israel
    The chosen people have chosen the right pizza toppings! What is it about cutting your dick and praying into a wall that makes matzah pizza so darn good. Colour me impressed. I got two things to say: 1) Keep it up, the Jews! 2) And how do you say “Mama Mia” in Hebrew?baked-beer-cheese-724216.jpg